三优加(3U⁺)数学和物理,有杨老师主导执教, 提供我们最擅长的数学和物理的教学和辅导。杨老师是德国物理学博士, 理科知识融会贯通,指导学生高屋建瓴; 同时杨老师有多年的加拿大安省高中数学和物理学分课、以及IB物理的授课经验,教学经验丰富。跟从杨老师,学生不仅能快速理解和掌握重要概念,还能学到关键的逻辑及分析解题能力,提升学习效率,从而少走弯路、减少迷茫,在较短的时间内有效地提高学习成绩,为未来发展、进入名校创造良好的条件。
3U-Plus Math and Physics Teaching and Tutoring is specialized in providing exceptional teaching and tutoring to high school and university students. Led by our principal teacher, Jeffrey, who holds a Ph.D. in physics and possesses a profound understanding of mathematics and physics, we are committed to fostering academic excellence and nurturing a deep passion for learning.
Jeffrey brings a wealth of experience to 3U-Plus, with a robust background in both high school and university-level education. With his extensive teaching experience spanning many years, Jeffrey is not only highly qualified but also deeply passionate about empowering students with the knowledge and problem-solving skills necessary for success in math and physics.
At 3U-Plus, we offer expertise in teaching and tutoring a wide range of courses in math and physics exclusively, including but not limited to the courses as listed in the followings.
Jeffrey Yang 杨老师,德国物理学博士,加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGill University) 博士后。杨老师有多年的大学和高中的数学、物理及科学的教学和辅导经验,熟悉加拿大安省高中的教学重点,擅长通过深入浅出的教学帮助学生快速理解和掌握知识要点,同时也会传授有效的学习方法,引导和培养提高学生的逻辑思维及解题分析能力。
Dr. Jeffrey Yang, Tel: 1-647-917 6687 Email:waters6687@gmail.com 微信 WeChat ID:uup6687
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Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/LKbLUu9qhCA4YTBh
博洋同学从11年级开始就师从杨老师的辅导,刚开始时数学和物理的成绩不到70分。在杨老师的辅导了,单元成绩不断提升,从70到75,到80,到85,到90 ......,并逐渐稳定在95分左右。学期最后的成绩是:高等函数96 分,微积分98分,物理97分。因成绩优异,在2月份时就提前收到了包括多伦多大学, McMaster, Waterloo 等大学的Offers。
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